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This content was produced by Boston Globe Media's Studio/B in collaboration with the advertiser. The news and editorial departments of The Boston Globe had no role in its production or display.

For every day in the calendar, we’ve been there

#Globe365, an immersive experience inside a geodesic dome at HUBweek.

The Boston Globe has been a daily news source reporting the world’s most important events since 1872. Today, we update our readers by the minute with continuous breaking news and essential information.

If you visited our dome on City Hall Plaza during HUBweek, you relived some of our most significant news coverage since our founding in an immersive, all-enveloping experience. We also showed quieter moments in features, sports, and the arts. Through stunning visuals, sounds, and movement, we progressed one calendar day at time, starting with events from January 1 and concluding with December 31. Taken together, #Globe365 surrounded you in the events and cultural touch points that have shaped who we are as citizens of Boston—and of the world.

#Globe365 is a never-before-attempted multimedia experience, requiring thousands of collective hours across many teams in research, design, development, and production.

We would like to thank everyone who played a part in bringing #Globe365 to life. The following people were essential to planning and development:

Lisa Tuite, Head Librarian
Jeremiah Manion, Librarian
Rosemarie McDonald, Librarian
Kathryn Aucella, Production
Mike Begay, Art Director
Jane Bowman, VP of Marketing
Zach Giordano, Production
Celia Graham, Production
Victoria Karl, Production
Emma Lindberg, Production
Emily Mitchell, Production
Phil Ostermann, Production
Alex Perez, Production
Ben Tamarin, Production
Gene Yoon, Creative Director

Manuel Flores, Art Director
Kevin Lee, Creative Director
Trevor Metcalfe, Associate Content Producer
Paul Saraiva, Executive Director
Kevin Thomas, Sr. Interactive Developer

Adam Łyczakowski
Krzysztof Wołoszyn

Leonie Bradbury
Alex Richman
Brendan Ryan

Content sources: The Boston Globe, Getty Images, Shutterstock, Internet Archive, CriticalPast




This content was produced by Boston Globe Media's Studio/B in collaboration with the advertiser. The news and editorial departments of The Boston Globe had no role in its production or display.