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Did you know Boston has its own domain?

The .boston domain gives local businesses room to grow online and ties you to the city you love

Dark city during blue hour. Skyscraper slightly off-center. Cerulean, turquoise and salmon pink sky. Yellow lit roads with motion blurred cars driving on them.Boston has a thriving business sector. It deserves a unique domain to match.

By now, you are likely very familiar with domain names. They are ubiquitous in our increasingly-connected society, used for online advertising, commercials, and even on billboards. While you have certainly seen the most traditional domains, like .com, .org, and .biz, today the world of domain names is so much more diverse. In fact, domain names that are made for certain areas of the world are becoming increasingly popular. Enter .boston – the domain made for the city of Boston.

How did this domain name come to be, and how can it be used? Let’s start with a little Domain Name 101 to give you a quick primer on why .boston is an ideal domain name for Bostonians. 

Top-Level Domains

A top-level domain name (TLD) is the last part of a domain name. For example, in, the TLD is the “.biz”. Geographic TLDs go one step further, providing a domain name that is for a specific region or city. 

.boston is one such TLD and is aimed at becoming a new online identity for the city of Boston, its inhabitants, companies, non-profits, microbusinesses, and institutions. Boston is in great company, as other geographic TLDs in use include domains for major cities around the world like .nyc, .sydney, .london, .tokyo, and .berlin. 

.boston domain names work just the same as any other domain name. Only now, your website.whatever can become; and your email@address.whatever can become, and so on. It’s an easy way to immediately let your friends, fans and followers know exactly where you’re from before they even land on your website. 

The Local Business Bump

There are many advantages to using a geographic TLD like .boston, chief among them that it establishes your connection to the city, while aligning your business to the value and power of the world-famous Boston city brand. Further to the visual advantage, with .boston you get a local keyword built into the web address, meaning there is the potential for a significant SEO bump.

Studies on local SEO show 46% of searches on Google are for local businesses, 30% of searches on mobile devices are location-related, and 97% of users surveyed indicated that they use tools like Google to discover local businesses. Having the word “Boston” built right into your domain name indicates to potential visitors that you’re a Boston local when they’re looking at search results. 


More Room to Grow

Using .boston also provides you with a great number of choices when it comes to finding the perfect domain name. Because .boston is a new TLD, it offers a wide open selection of short, memorable and brandable domains to help Bostonians bring their business, brand or big idea to life.

East Asian man with short hair and goatee holding an iPad and smiling. He wears a white T-shirt with a light brown apron over it and leans on his desk with one elbow. A silver laptop sits on his desk. Also on the desk sits a glass vase full of pink roses and green flowers. Behind him there are three white shelves that span the length of the whole wall. They're all full of plants in pots and vases.Small business owners can stand out in a crowded field of domain names with a .boston web address

Boston is one of the most iconic cities in the world, with some of the most expensive real estate on earth.  Just like a home built on the best street in Beacon Hill, the value of Boston’s virtual real estate is also directly tied to location, location, location. After-all, a well-placed domain name can help businesses and brands to better connect and engage with prospects and customers, attract much-needed internet traffic — and stand out from the competition.

As Boston’s digital domain continues to evolve, the people who will benefit most are those who are early to the game and poised to snap up the most valuable keyword terms and premium names.  

Ready to give .boston a try and let everyone know that you are a proud Bostonian? Click here to get a great discount on .boston domains from GoDaddy for a limited time.



This content was written by the advertiser and edited by Studio/B to uphold The Boston Globe's content standards. The news and editorial departments of The Boston Globe had no role in its writing, production, or display.