This content is produced by Salute to Nurses 2020

Produced by Salute to Nurses 2020

2020 Salute to Nurses: Hospitals A-C

Aberdeen Home Care

Joanne MacInnis, Aberdeen Home Care

Joanne exemplifies what it means to be a registered nurse demonstrating patient-centered care at the highest level. Her background in settings including hospital, visiting nurse, and hospice led her to step out and bravely start her own home-care agency with the mantra “We can do better for our patients.”

That was 20 years ago. Since then, Joanne has grown a home-care agency focused on providing superior care for her patients. Her philosophy of building relationships with her patients, their families, the medical community, and the caregivers she mentors has been a model for success for all touched by her supportive, intelligent, and caring outreach. As president of Aberdeen Home Care, and being an RN, Joanne never loses her patient focus. She mentors and models excellence in patient care, fostering education, compassion, and excellence in all her interactions. She is not assigned to any particular patients, but instead is a trusted advisor for all patients with her team of caregivers, nurses, patients, families, physicians, and other visiting nurse and hospice agencies she teams up. Joanne shares her knowledge and experience with public speaking engagements in the community and at the request of professional organizations, in addition to writing a weekly seniors article for a local paper, writing informational blogs, and having a Sunday morning radio show with helpful information for seniors and their families. Joanne does not punch a clock and is always “on duty” to serve others. She is the ultimate caregiver.—Nominated by Mary Battistelli


Joanne MacInnis, Aberdeen Home Care

Joanne MacInnis, president of Aberdeen Home Care, advocates for all her clients. She has gone to medical appointments at all hours of the day. She rearranges her schedule if a client needs her in an emergency. She is compassionate and caring with all clients and her staff. She is generous with her time. Joanne acknowledges staff for their accomplishments throughout the year.—Nominated by Nicole Geddes


Joanne MacInnis, Aberdeen Home Care

Joanne MacInnis started Aberdeen Home Care some 20 years ago, when she saw a need for better-quality, compassionate, and professional care among day-to-day caregivers working in people’s homes. Each day, she inspires the clinical and non-clinical team that she employs. Mission-driven to protect and serve the elder community, she delivers a weekly radio program on North Shore 104.9FM called, “Caring Voice,” during which she shares practical advice for the care of elders. Joanne makes her staff and those around her feel appreciated and she leads by example. She is an exemplary example for the nursing profession.—Nominated by Scott Muir


Advanced Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation

Nicole Cole, Advanced Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation

She has a heart of gold. She works hard and never complains. And she always pitches in to make the stay comfortable. Nicole wants everyone to have a complete recovery. She will clean up a spill, empty a urinatomy bag, or place a mug in the microwave. There are 39 patients on our wing, and Nicole makes time for each of us. I call her the John Woden or Red Auerbach of nursing. She reminds me of both coaches because she always gives 100 percent and never gives up.—Nominated by John Bodnar


All American Assisted Living at Raynham

Ericka Horan, All American Assisted Living

Ericka’s knowledge and skill promotes a confidence in her patients. It is how she approaches her duties that makes her standout. Dealing with an elderly demographic can be challenging, and Ericka does it with joy and enthusiasm.—Nominated by William Thomas


Allerton House at Central Park

Nurses, Allerton House at Central Park, Weymouth

My nursing career has spanned over 50 years, during which I have had the opportunity and pleasure of working with and learning from innumerable exceptional nurses. I would like to recognize a few that I admire and work with in the twilight of my career.

These nurses have shown me true dedication and caring. They have demonstrated genuine resident-centered care, and have shown me what it means to be a caring and compassionate nurse. It’s not unusual for these nurses to stay and comfort an anxious resident, hold a dying resident’s hand, or reach out to family members with sincere empathy and concern. A kind word and a gentle touch describes what they do without any hesitation—that’s a quality that can’t be taught. The help they offer residents and families during very difficult times without hesitation and with kindness is immeasurable. They are respectful and compassionate and treat residents like family. They consistently provide not only physical care but emotional care, comfort, and support.

Joan Cunningham, Melanie Cosato, Jessica Canuto, Kristen Dehay, Jane Flynn and Claire Quilty are unsung heroes! I have been fortunate to work with them, learn from them, and be a recipient of their heartfelt care when my family members were residents. I admire their dedication and selflessness. When you see them, be sure to give them a great big Thank You. They deserve it and never will ask for it.—Nominated by Ellen Laramee 


Alliance Health at Rosewood

Ashley Doherty, Alliance Health at Rosewood

Ten days ago, my wife of 59 years was given the last rites. The next day I received notice that, due to the risk of infection, I could no longer visit the nursing home. Ashley, a nurse helping to care for her, took the time after her shift ended to call me with a detailed update. She recognized that I needed this communication desperately. She provided a lifeline through her thoughtful outreach. In doing so, her caring extended beyond my wife to me, as I struggled with my uncertainty. Ashley embodies a wide range of clinical skills and experience, but most importantly, she truly cares. She is respected by her colleagues and is often the “go-to” person when a complex issue occurs. Her mission is to keep her patients pain-free and comfortable. When Ashley is on duty, calmness and efficiency prevail.—Nominated by John L. Gormley


Allied Health Systems LLC

Lisa Little Allied Health Systems

Lisa has always put herself before her patients. She has exceeded expectations for many others, but especially for me. When I was about to have a liver transplant, she was there; when I needed medications, she made sure the prescriptions got to the pharmacy. When I had no one to talk to, she made time for me. And when I wanted to give up, she let me know I could make it through, and God had another plan for me. I don’t have enough words to tell you how grateful I am for my nurse, Lisa Little. She’s more than just a nurse. She is a blessing.—Nominated by Timothy Mullen


Atrius Health

Michele Cavallaro, Internal Medicine, Harvard Vanguard Somerville, Atrius Health

Michele is one the best managers I have worked with in my 20 years of nursing. She is an advocate for her nursing staff so we can provide safe patient care. When faced with the Covid-19 crisis, she led our practice by quickly planning PPE retraining for all of our clinicians (nursing, physicians, medical assistants) and instituted regularly timed daily huddles (with call-in options to promote social distancing!) to update our practice on issues related to Covid-19 and provide opportunities for staff to ask questions. The Covid-19 outbreak and protocols are changing daily (sometimes several times daily). Michele’s calm, caring demeanor, clinical expertise, and crisis management experience are much needed right now. When our site was overwhelmed with Covid-19 testing, she was instrumental in setting up our drive-through Covid-19 testing within several days (staffing, supplies, logistics). We need more nurse leaders like Michele who truly care about their coworkers and our patients.—Nominated by Jessica Glenn


Aida Colon, Harvard Vanguard

She showed compassion and clinical competency during my visit in this time of crisis. She was knowledgeable about Covid-19. I appreciated her calmness. She demonstrated great patience.—Nominated by Christine Pham


Beverly Ketchen, Harvard Vanguard

Beverly Ketchen is an exemplary nurse practitioner who has cared for patients at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates in Medford for about 30 years. Her compassion and expertise as a primary care provider are legendary. She cares for some of the sickest patients and does so with the highest level of competence, grace, and caring. Beverly is an unsung hero among nurses, and she should be recognized for this prestigious award.—Nominated by Joyce Pulcini


Catherine Phillips, Atrius Health

Catherine is my wife. She has been a pediatric nurse for over 30 years, including working as a pediatric hospice nurse. I have watched her go out in the middle of the night to be there for a dying child and to comfort the family, often years after that child has passed. More recently, I’ve listened to her give advice and reassurance to worried parents in her new role as a triage nurse from home. She is always thoughtful, kind, and professional. She’s always ready to fill in when there is a shortage of nurses, and to lend her knowledge and kindness. Never afraid to advocate for her patients, Catherine’s the best nurse I’ve ever known.—Nominated by Arthur Steinberg


Belmont Medical Associates

Carolyn Hickok, Belmont Medical Associates

No single nurse does more for my mother than Carolyn Hickok. She cares for my mother as she would her own mother. She calls my 88-year-old mother weekly, stopping by once a week (on her own time) to spend quality one-on-one time with her. Carolyn is a very concerned and caring nurse, and a nurse’s friend and caregiver. I can’t thank Carolyn enough for all the time she spends caring for my mother, and all on her own time. She corresponds with me as well to keep me posted on what is going on. Carolyn brings personal nurse’s care to a whole new level. She exceeds the call of duty and deserves a salute.—Nominated by Ernest Berardinelli 


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Donna Bortolotti, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Donna is caring and extremely smart. She recently cared for her dying friend and her very sick husband, who has a compromised lung sickness. She is constantly asking questions, pushing the doctors for answers and more tests, all while working full time at the hospital. She barely had time to sleep, running to their facilities to make sure they were being cared for. She has been an outstanding nurse for 40 years, especially to her bedridden mom for 30 years. Always answering her family’s aches and pains, referring us to the best doctors and treatments, giving all her patients the very best of care.—Nominated by Sue Bortolotti


Michelle Bridges, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Michelle had the choice—as did all the nurses in the ICU—whether to treat Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bomber. She courageously chose to keep her oath and treat him, despite knowing his abhorrent act.—Nominated by Danny Fitzgibbon


Lynn Collins, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

I witnessed how her nurturing spirit turned this patient from true despair to having hope.—Nominated by Joseph Keegan


Ross Cowell, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

This was my first experience as a patient in a hospital since age 9 (tonsils removed) and I was being helped to overcome aplastic anemia. One of my nurses for this period was Ross Crowell in the Bone Marrow Transplant floor. Ross was very caring all the time, made sure that I did not fall at any time, and took care of all the needs I had. He was very competent and friendly. We had many conversations in the long time I was there and he made me feel like he was “family.” I thought that he was the most qualified of all the nurses that helped me. I had retired from my job as facilities manager for Mount Auburn Hospital and Lawrence Memorial Hospital of Medford for 21 years.—Nominated by David Hathaway


Madelyn Capano Curry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Prostate cancer is a scourge. But Madelyn Capano Curry and the other nurses at BIDMC’s CyberKnife Center—Elsy Jaison and Jessica Okrent—helped to turn the “scourge” into “courage.” CyberKnife is an intense five-day dose of radiation, and BIDMC is the only hospital in Massachusetts with a workable unit (a linear accelerator). Despite my doctors’ assurances, I was afraid. Would the treatment hurt me? Would the cancer shorten my life? The nurses assuaged all those fears. Cheerful welcomes. Active listening. Efficient procedures. Both in tone and in care, the nurses calmed me throughout my treatment. Even when I passed out on the first day, they sprang into action to revive me. I am now “on the other side” of cancer (in remission, almost cured). And the extraordinary care of the nurses at BIDMC’s CyberKnife Unit eased my journey. As my cousins in Italy say, “grazie mille”—“a thousand thanks.”—Nominated by Dale DeLetis


Savina Davos, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Needham

I began chemotherapy treatment for stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma last August. Because she lives directly across the street, Savina has spoken with me and/or my wife 25 or 30 times regarding my condition, several times bringing quarts of chicken soup and fresh pita bread. Once, in January, my blood pressure dropped significantly. Savina came right over (bringing chicken soup, pita bread, and several sports drinks with electrolytes), took my blood pressure, and made recommendations that had me feeling much better in a few days. In December, she twice cleared our driveway with her snowblower; another time, she helped my wife shovel when there were just a few inches. She also helped my wife rake our leaves.

Savina is currently working 14-hour shifts in administration and the ICU. Several years ago, my mother-in-law became very ill. Savina came right over and recommended that we immediately call an ambulance. My mother-in-law had surgery that night for a blocked intestine. Savina’s advice no doubt saved her life.—Nominated by William Risio


Feldberg 7 Nurses, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Eleven months ago, I lost the love of my life to complications from MDS/AML [Myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia]. If you have met the nurses of Hematology/Oncology—Rich, Ross, Elissa, Adria, Lauren, or any of the other compassionate angels of this rare place, you would know what I know, and love them as much. Rich, a.k.a. MacGyver, and his “twin” Ross, gentle and wise, brought joy to my husband Charlie’s days and nights with their balance between ordinary life talk and skilled nursing. Adria was our first nurse (I say “our” because when Charlie stayed, I stayed, and I was welcomed like a member of the nursing family). Lauren entertained us with cat stories and forbade me sleep on the floor when no cots were available. Elissa, who gently helped us cross the threshold to the next life, had been with us from Charlie’s early treatment in 2017. The entire team on Feldberg 7 guided Charlie’s last days with the most love I have ever seen. Rich represented those heroes at Charlie’s funeral; Dr. Matt Weinstock—his tribute will go on always—offered words of remembrance. How can I thank them? What words exist? Now, they face the greatest of challenges and I am certain that they carry on exactly as they always do—like the champion angels they are.—Nominated by Claudia Brown


Courtney Fitzgerald, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

She balanced a number of patients with equal care and concern.—Nominated by Gina Dwyer


Mary Ellen Gunning, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

I have an extremely difficult medical situation and Mary Ellen has always provided me with outstanding care and support. During my hospitalizations she has been instrumental in guiding me through a very complex ostomy situation. Her positive “can do” attitude and creative thinking have helped me adjust to many complex ostomy situations.—Nominated by Karl Riemer


Elizabeth Hammerstrand, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Cancer Care Center, Needham

Beth is a nurse practitioner at BIDMC Cancer Care Center in Needham. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016, and my husband was diagnosed with esophageal and then colon cancer in 2019. She has been there for both of us throughout our treatment cycles and follow-up. She remembers everything about our lives and is deeply committed to all her patients. She has advocated for us with other health-care providers and we can always count on her answering our questions in person, on the phone, or via email. She has never steered us wrong and we trust in her 100 percent. We know that she is also recognized as a great medical professional by other providers.—Nominated by Marcia Hicks


Wendy Korotzer, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Wendy cared for my late wife, the mother of three daughters, during the last 24 hours of her life. None of us expected my wife to pass so soon. Wendy was there embracing my wife and us both before and after my wife passed. Wendy is inspirational to no end and has one of the toughest jobs. We will never forget how Wendy made us feel. Especially how much my wife connected with her … little did any of us know that it would be for such a short time.—Nominated by Shlomie Heller


Lucie Lima, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

There are just too many encounters and examples to list. Lucie is the smartest and most no-nonsense nurse I have ever had the pleasure to work with. She has been teaching undergraduate nursing students for 20 years. She has a reputation for being a really hard and demanding teacher, and that’s a good thing. Students realize early on that they are expected to work hard and learn as much as they can. They complete clinicals knowing how to think critically. Then there are the hundreds of medical residents Lucie has taught and guided in the trauma ICU, where she has saved numerous lives because she absolutely knows what she is doing in the world of both trauma and critical care.

One of most memorable moments was a young patient with a Miami J collar [a cervical neck brace] that was causing him a great deal of pain and breaking down the skin on his chin. Luci recognized this right away and called me, as I was a wound consultant at the time. I concurred that the collar had to go. The doctors said no, as the collar was protecting his cervical spine from increased damage. Luci pushed to have an external fixator [a stabilizing frame with pins or screws] placed. This seemed archaic to many of the young doctors. When the patient was finally released from the painful collar, he could not stop thanking us. I told him it was all Luci, because she knew exactly what needed to be done.

Nurses like Luci are unsung heroes and extremely rare. I have been a nurse in Boston for 30 years and have had the absolute pleasure to work with many of them. I am nominating Luci because she is the best of those best. As teacher to so many young students and doctors and amazing patient advocate, she deserves this recognition.—Nominated by Maureen Lira


Katherine Lyman, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

She told me the truth about my condition, explained its physiology, prescribed the effective drug which has the fewest side effects, and truly connected to my emotional state.—Nominated by Paul Bernstein


Gail Metcalf, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Gail works with lots of patients with dementia in assisted living and private homes. She is on the front line right now with the Covid-19 outbreak. She has great knowledge alongside compassion.—Nominated by Sue Auclair


Maureen O’Shea, Curry College, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Maureen O’Shea is a professor of mine at Curry College. She is also my advisor. She teaches a class called Older Adults. In this class, we go to assisted-living facilities and learn about growing old. Maureen works as a palliative care nurse at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and is one of the best people and nurses that I know.—Nominated by Kaylee Doherty


Kym Peterson, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

I know that Kim has dedicated over 20 years of her professional life to nursing. She is the most compassionate health provider I’ve ever come across. Her knowledge seems to be greater than the doctors that serve alongside her. Her compassion is second to none, and her dedication to her craft is obvious.—Nominated by Bradford Mason


Sarah Pettito, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

I broke my hip and was taken to BID pre-op for surgery. I was petrified—totally alone in a dark and cold and foreign land. Then Sarah greeted me in such a way that made my fears dissipate. Sarah went beyond her duties to make sure I had a treasured belonging when I awoke. I will never forget her kindness and generosity of spirit.—Nominated by Nan Donovan


Heather Pleskow, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Heather shows her dedication every single day. She advocates for ICU beds when patients are very ill. She holds the hand of family members when they are making difficult decisions about their loved one. She cares deeply to give every patient excellent medical care in a compassionate, caring manner. She loves her job, and that shows in how she cares for her patients.—Nominated by Randi Pleskow


Victoria Scinto, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

She is so kind. Her patients are so lucky to have her. She knows the ins and outs of being an operating room nurse and knows how to communicate to both staff and patients so well. Anyone who knows her knows how amazing a nurse she is.—Nominated by Jen Salvucci


Taylor Tabb, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

With interests and experience caring for individuals with disabilities and psychiatric diseases, Taylor Tabb is a nurse at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. With a background in psychology and more than 800 hours volunteering her services to Samaritans and other human service agencies, Taylor made her way to BIDMC, where she uses her clinical training to care for acutely ill patients in the hospital setting. As a former nursing assistant, and with her experience in geriatric psychiatric care, she understands the nursing process and is able to care and advocate for her patients across the health care setting. Her commitment to nursing and health care is demonstrated by work as a staff nurse, continued pursuit of further nursing education, participation in patient advocacy, and nurse development as part of the Beth Israel Nurse Residency Program. Taylor is selfless, committed, compassionate, and prioritizes care of all patients while navigating the pace and complexity of the acute care setting. For this, Taylor should be saluted.—Nominated by Vadra Tabb


Beth Israel Lahey Health

Jamie DaSilva and Jamie Diclemente, Beth Israel Lahey Health, Burlington

“The Jamies” are my colleagues, nurse practitioners on the Lahey Electrophysiology Service. I have been an NP for over 20 years, and their team approach, expertise, and work ethic are unparalleled. Their thoughtful, comprehensive, and compassionate approach to a complex patient population is their standard of care. They’re tireless at work as NPs in cardiology, and at home as mothers of young children. They deserve to be lauded for their superwomen efforts.—Nominated by Jennifer Connors




Beverly Hospital

Sandra Brown, Oncology Department, Beverly Hospital

Sandra Brown has helped me through continuing steps in treating my metastatic prostate cancer. She has interacted numerous times with the pharmacy that issues my medication to assure them that I am eligible and to renew the prescription. In addition, she has a dedicated phone line that tells her that it’s me calling. Finally, she is always upbeat about my treatment for a serious (and possibly fatal) disease. Of the very many nurses I have interacted with, she is the most competent and compassionate.—Nominated by David Lustgarten


Cindy Jette, Beverly Hospital

In the midst of Covid-19 crisis, my 88-year-old father-in-law was admitted to Beverly Hospital with some gastrointestinal distress. He had a procedure in the morning and seemed fine. At 5:30 p.m., he suddenly went into congestive heart failure. He was struggling to breathe and fading from consciousness. Cindy lovingly cared for him, made arrangements for his children to come be with him, and tended to all of us through the night. She mopped Bob’s forehead, talked to him gently while he gasped for air, and included all of us in the decision to give him morphine and anti-anxiety medication to soothe his discomfort. She brought the family cookies, tea, and coffee and was professional and humane, medically astute and compassionate. She was everything one could hope for while sitting at the bedside of a dying parent. She didn’t tell us he would be OK; instead, she told us how much he had talked about us and how much she had enjoyed talking with him. She provided medical, emotional, and physical support to her patient and his family.—Nominated by Laila Goodman


Terasa Giovannucci, Beverly Hospital

As our sole clinical educator for the past 10 years, Terasa has transformed this department, its staff, and its patient-care outcomes. Terasa has elevated the practice, care delivery, and confidence of so many of our staff. Terasa tirelessly commits herself to elevating our practice to reflect evidence-based standards, and continues to do this every day with her championing of AWHONN [Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses] protocols, guidelines, and recommendations. She motivates us to a level of excellence that is unparalleled.

During Teresa’s tenure as our clinical educator, she has singlehandedly created and sustained our department’s unique training EXPO (which stands for EXcellent Patient Outcomes). These EXPOs, held each year with near-100 percent attendance, accounts for all RN, OB, Neonatology and Anesthesia staff within our service line. Each year, Terasa’s EXPOs—one for the Special Care Nursery staff and another for OB/L&D staff—consist of real, current clinical situations that are carried out, critiqued and reviewed in our simulation lab. Feedback comments have included “WOW, that was intense!” and “I was truly moved by that presentation (SUD [Substance Use Disorder]).” Terasa’s EXPO “stations” vary each year, depending on AWHONN’s current patient co-morbidity—Care of the Mother with Substance Use Disorder, Trauma Informed Care, Hypertension, Management of the Late Preterm Infant, or, most recently, the Baby Friendly designation journey we are currently on. Terasa has been steadfast in her support of our department from one evidence-based initiative to another. She is a mother, a wife, a nurse, a friend, and we would not be where we are today, or where we are going tomorrow, without her.—Nominated by Susan Caffrey


Kristine Saputo, Beverly Hospital

Kristine is an obstetrics (OB) nurse in charge on the night shift. Recently she was involved in an emergency as a patient was being brought to our emergency department (ED) via ambulance. Kristine took a call from the patient’s family member, who was worried about the patient and what she should do. Kristine calmly and professionally directed the family member to get the patient to the emergency room. While waiting for the patient to arrive, Kristine notified the OB provider, who was able to be in the ED before the patient arrived. Once in the ED, the patient was assessed and taken to the Main Operating Room (OR). Kristine then offered her expertise to the Main OR nurse, who gladly and appreciatively accepted her help.

Kristine’s clinical competency allowed her to function calmly in a different environment. She used her critical thinking skills to manage the many orders being asked of her by each discipline. She advocated for the patient to be sure she was sent to the ED initially. She demonstrated compassion by talking calmly with the patient’s family member initially, as well as her communication with the patient and family after her discharge. I believe her clinical competency and years of expertise allowed her to function in an optimal way to achieve a compassionate and trusting relationship with this patient and her family. Additionally, her communication among the team members was praised. It’s nurses like Kristine who make a crisis run smoothly so that all team members can function at their best.—Nominated by Susan Caffrey


Rachel Riley, Lahey Outpatient Center, Beverly Hospital

Rachel works in the Endocrinology unit and has kept me alive. My pancreas was destroyed by microscopic gallstones. Rachel has demonstrated an amazing understanding of my worsening Type 2 diabetes, and has been so concerned with my health that I will not be seeing anyone else. That’s how confident I am in her treatment plan. If Rachel got transferred to Wichita, I’d be moving to Wichita, too. She’s the greatest.—Nominated by Frank C. Herschede



Boston Behavioral Medicine

Kim Larrson, Boston Behavioral Medicine

Excellent assistance!—Nominated by B. White



Boston Children’s Hospital

Caitlin Fournier, Boston Children’s Hospital

Caitlin is about to go to a pediatric hospital [to care for patients] during the Covid-19 crisis. Enough said.—Nominated by Michael Fournier


Leah Frain, Boston Children’s Hospital

My daughter was very sick in intensive care, and we live out of state. I called Leah at the end of the day, hoping she could help us with some questions. She answered right away, and kept in contact by email well into the evening to make sure our daughter was doing better with the treatment changes she helped with. Leah always responds to our questions and concerns quickly and has the very best interest of our daughter in mind. She is truly a one of a kind, and we are very grateful for her. Thank you, Leah—your compassion and excellence in nursing has made such an amazing difference in my daughter’s life.—Nominated by Brittany Buchwalter


Chris Gangi, Boston Children’s Hospital

Chris is incredibly devoted to her patients and shows excellent clinical competency within our field of pediatric gastroenterology. I know I can count on her to advise our patients on tube care, skin care, complex medication administration, and a thousand other topics that I don’t have the time (and often, the expertise) to help my patients and families with. She follows up with our patients. She proposes complex durable medical equipment orders to me so that the companies and patients get the exact supplies they need. She goes all-out for us and for the kids.—Nominated by Yanjia Zhang


Tricia Grandinetti, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Boston Children’s Hospital

Tricia was the first NICU nurse we met when our 26-week-old, 2-pound preemie, Jamie, came out of emergency surgery. From the onset she was incredibly knowledgeable and compassionate. Through an arduous journey with many complications, she was there by our side to listen, care for Jamie, and advocate for us when we felt like we needed a second opinion or point of view. She always greeted us with a warm smile, but more importantly, she always struck the perfect balance of calm, kindness, and care while delivering good and bad news. Over our almost six-month journey, we felt like Tricia became a friend. She was always so kind to our daughter Havana, who was 2 then, every time she visited. She’d take time out of her incredibly busy schedule to recommend books and to draw pictures with Havana just so we could have a few extra minutes to hold Jamie. For Havana’s 3rd birthday, the team of nurses taking care of Jamie pulled together a birthday present for Havana on behalf of Jamie. While we weren’t sharing many details while we were going through our journey, these are the acts of grace and kindness that really helped Havana create such a strong bond with Jamie. Tricia and the nurses in 7 North are the angels that watch over all those little babies in need. As time passes and Jamie begins to wander around the house, I think back often to all the hard work that went into getting him on track as a current-day happy, thriving infant. We will forever be indebted to Tricia and the wonderful team at Children’s.—Nominated by Ivan Hyep


Corey McManus, Boston Children’s Hospital

I had planned to submit this salute to my niece, Corey McManus, a year ago for her clinical competence as a nurse at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Global Smile Foundation. Global Smile is an international organization of medical professionals dedicated to bringing first-class medical care to patients born with cleft lips and palates in underserved communities throughout the world. Corey has been committed to her professional nursing role with GSF for several years. She also works tirelessly to recruit nurses and organizes fundraisers in the states to support the GSF mission.

One year ago, our family experienced life-threatening illnesses and loss within the first six weeks of the year, so I missed the opportunity to submit my salute to Corey. This year, I salute Corey as a nurse of a different measure and perspective.

In January 2019, Corey’s uncle was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Three weeks later, his son-in-law Charlie, age 33—father of three children under the age of 5, a highly respected Waltham police officer, and Corey’s close friend—was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor (diffuse midline glioma). Two weeks later, our beloved nephew Brett, free from addiction for three years at age 25, died of an overdose. Our family was grief-stricken and in great need of professional nursing support and guidance. As the months unfolded, Corey became our family nurse consultant/educator and offered her professional expertise to work with Charlie’s wife, Jackie (also a registered nurse), to care for Charlie at home. Together, they cared for him with great love and dignity for 10 long months, which allowed him to die at home with his wife and children by his side.

Throughout this challenging time, Corey kept the family informed, compassionately extending her love and support to family members of all ages. She continued her work in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at BCH and somehow managed to continue her work with the Global Smile Foundation, too. I salute Corey for her many years of caring for some of the sickest children here in Boston and abroad (Lebanon, El Salvador, Beirut), as well as her most recent personal effort to lovingly support her own family and friend through the year that was.—Nominated by Jane Kenslea


Jaclyn Nickley, Boston Children’s Hospital

She is loving, caring, and engaged. She loves her patients as she loves her three daughters.—Nominated by Peter McDonald


Mary Ellen Pierce, Boston Children’s Hospital

Mary Ellen Pierce just completed her 50th year as a registered nurse at Boston Children’s Hospital. She has mentored countless people to become nurses or to advance their degrees. She was a member of a group who pioneered preoperative care for children, and she taught staff from other pediatric hospitals to improve their preoperative care. In her spare time, Mary Ellen knits hats for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit babies. Mary Ellen represents the very best of Massachusetts nurses.—Nominated by Sarah Kacprowicz


Nissanai Sonauta, Boston Children’s Hospital

Compassionate.—Nominated by Alan Leffler


Karol Timmons, Atopic Dermatitis Center, Boston Children’s Hospital

Karol is a wonderful nurse practitioner and the coordinator of our Atopic Dermatitis Center. She has a special gift for teaching and supporting families. I have met so many children that Karol has helped with severe atopic dermatitis. These children come to our clinic itchy, sleep-deprived, and often avoiding enjoyable activities due to their skin condition, and with Karol’s guidance they improve. There is nothing more special than seeing a family back in clinic with a happy, thriving, well-rested and non-itchy child.—Nominated by Wendy Elverson


Karol Timmons, Atopic Dermatitis Center, Boston Children’s Hospital

Karol Timmons is a pediatric nurse practitioner in our Atopic Dermatitis Center at Boston Children’s Hospital and the heart of our team. Karol is BEYOND dedicated to our patients with severe eczema. She gives every patient and family the time, education, and support they need to learn to manage a chronic medical condition. Her warmth and humor calm anxious children. Her down-to-earth willingness to problem-solve with families and develop a plan that works for them gives parents hope. It is common for our patients to greet her with a big hug, because she has quite literally changed their lives—children can sleep again, focus in school, and enjoy being kids. She is a valued speaker at national conferences, providing other health care providers across the country with tools for supporting children with atopic dermatitis and allergies.—Nominated by Jennifer LeBovidge


Karol Timmons, Atopic Dermatitis Center, Boston Children’s Hospital

Karol Timmons is an amazing pediatric nurse practitioner in our Atopic Dermatitis program. She helps children and families who have severe dermatitis. Many of these families have not slept in weeks, don’t know how to manage, and can’t figure out triggers and allergies. Karol takes the time to educate them and help them find regimens that will work for them. She is a fierce advocate for patients—talking to primary care doctors, school nurses and counselors, insurance companies, and anyone else she feels will help. Until recently, she was also the division nurse coordinator, a role she handled with grace and wisdom.—Nominated by Lynda Schneider



Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program

Lisa Fardy, Boston Health Care for the Homeless

Lisa Fardy is the consummate professional in her every action. As an Ivy League-educated person who holds a doctoral degree, she had (and has) the option to make lots of money. Instead, she decided to serve the medical needs of the most neglected of Americans—our chronically homeless. She teaches others to care. Not just by inspiring them to provide the best possible medical care, which she does. Not only by emulating compassion and integrity with her every action. She does that, too. Lisa has dedicated her life to enacting her values as a nurse and a compassionate leader, and I sincerely hope she will be recognized as the unsung heroine that she is.—Nominated by April Berry-Fletcher


Alison May, Boston Health Care for the Homeless

Alison was very patient with me. She took time to listen to my concerns and answered all my questions. She was professional and compassionate.—Nominated by Tina Vrahliotis


Misch Whitaker, Boston Health Care for the Homeless

Michelle “Misch” Whitaker is a nurse who takes her work to the front lines, where it’s needed the most. Working with the homeless and often coming face-to-face with the Commonwealth’s ever-worsening opioid crisis, she pours in her personal time and energy into her work, and is my standing example of what altruism really looks like.

I was once her my roommate in Cambridge, and I’m reminded of the time I came back to visit her and catch up after I had left for grad school. While in my car, she asked if we could make a stop along the way so that she could visit a former patient of hers who lived nearby. This woman literally had nothing (I mean this very literally—her apartment was bare-bones empty after being stripped clean by an abusive ex-boyfriend), so Misch was going to drop off some procured silverware for her. In my three years of knowing Misch, it was this that impressed me the most, because it spoke volumes about how personally she took what she did.

In addition to Misch’s daytime profession, she is almost equally defined by her moonlight career in improvisational theater, and it’s one at which she’s quite successful. You can routinely find her performing on weekends at Laugh Boston in the Seaport. She’s someone who can go from constantly dealing with the bleaker realities facing our communities to being able to create a happy atmosphere of fun and entertainment, and that is simply not to be taken for granted. That said, don’t be fooled by the small stature of Misch Whitaker should you ever meet her, as she is truly one of the giants of the city.—Nominated by Jack McNamara



Boston Home Infusion Medical Services

Leah Paquette, Boston Home Infusion

Leah is very good at her job.—Nominated by Jerry Seeco



Boston IVF

Lisa Butters, Boston IVF

Lisa Butters is the best nurse I have ever met. I’ve been corresponding with her weekly since early 2019. Lisa demonstrates compassion, is clinically competent, an excellent communicator, exhibits trust in care, and serves daily as an advocate for the patient—in this case, myself. Lisa is extremely loyal, diligent, and understanding. She has a genuine interest in helping patients succeed. She is extremely resourceful and provides specific information in a timely manner over the phone, in voicemail, and through email. She corresponds meticulously and is very detailed with her health-related instructions. She always answers the phone. If you get voicemail, she will call you back promptly. She comes out to meet with you—even if you’re there to see another specialist or doctor—because she loves her job and, most importantly, she loves her patients. Her knowledge in the medical realm, specifically in IVF, is extremely deep. The true sign of a great nurse is that she makes you feel like you’re the only patient in the world—a challenge in an industry where nurses have a significant workload and lots of patients. She NEVER makes you feel like you are bothering her, even when you’re asking a lot of questions (which usually come with a patient seeking fertility treatments). It’s my great pleasure to recommend Lisa for the Salute to Nurses—and for sainthood.—Nominated by Rita Lancellotta


Boston MedFlight

Emilie Ryan, Boston MedFlight

This is my 20th year as a critical-care paramedic at Boston MedFlight. While we provide the highest quality of care available, sometimes our most important role is to just hold the hand of a patient or a loved one. After our shifts we go home and hug our loved ones and pray that they will never require our services.

While vacationing recently, my wife and I got the wonderful news that our niece and nephew had welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world. The next day, our phones began to light up for us to call home—there was an emergency involving my new niece. She’d had a catastrophic event in her hospital room and the team was working frantically to save her life. The situation was grave. She needed to be transported to a Boston hospital. My worst fears had come true; a family member was in need of Boston MedFlight services and we were thousands of miles away and completely helpless.

Our team arrived and assessed the situation. Working with the hospital staff, the critical care nurse and paramedic offered treatment options and stabilized her. I received a text from our chief medical officer that read “we got this.” A new team took over upon arriving in Boston. We got on a plane and came home. After several weeks, my niece was discharged. She has a fight ahead, but is expected to make a full recovery. Experts are calling her story nothing short of miraculous. I cannot express in words how grateful I am for the lifesaving care provided to my niece by the Boston MedFlight team. I would like to nominate our entire nursing team for being the best of the best. I am honored to call them peers, friends, and family.—Nominated by Mark Saia



Boston Medical Center

Justin Alves, Boston Medical Center

I am living with several potentially fatal maladies, including HIV/AIDS, end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and more. In all of my years of going in and out of hospitals and clinics, Justin is by far the hardest-working, most reliable, and most compassionate RN I have ever met. He is comforting when needed and tough as nails when the time is right. I could always count on him to reply quickly and answer thoroughly and accurately. His sense of humor makes the tough pill of being ill much easier to swallow. I cannot think of anyone more deserving.—Nominated by Larry Day


Katlyn Campbell, Boston Medical Center

Katlyn Campbell is a new mother and a nurse in the Medical Intensive Care Unit. She was recently caring for a patient who was considered a high-risk pregnancy and spent some time in the ICU before delivering. The patient had limited social support and was incredibly scared and nervous about her upcoming delivery, making her slightly withdrawn and depressed. Katlyn took it upon herself to buy the patient several pink outfits for her soon-to-be daughter, balloons, a card, and a hand-knit baby blanket. Katlyn did all of this in her free time in order to throw the patient a small baby shower to boost her spirit and decrease her anxiety. Most importantly, Katlyn did all of this selflessly. Katlyn just wanted to boost the patient’s spirits and calm her nerves, and she was able to connect as a recent mother herself. The patient was overwhelmed with gratitude and had a successful delivery. Acts like this are quite common for Katlyn, as she thinks outside the box to improve a patient’s stay and help them through difficult times. She exemplifies what it means to be a nurse, as she cares for the patient as a whole, not just as a list of medical problems.—Nominated by Robert Elloyan


Ann Carey, Boston Medical Center

Ann Carey is an exceptional nurse who practices the art of nursing through her extraordinary leadership skills as the nurse manager of 6W at Boston Medical Center. Ann is compassionate and honest and provides leadership that promotes this value through the hearts of her nurses on the unit. The care given on 6W is a true reflection of Ann’s vision for exceptional care. She leads with grace and determination and, through her example, promotes her nurses to embrace their profession and provide the best, most evidence-based practice standards to ensure safe and optimal care. Ann is a profound leader with a heart that embodies the definition of nursing.—Nominated by Kate Baudin


Ryann Carr, Boston Medical Center

I’ve had the pleasure of having Ryann as my nurse at the infusion/chemotherapy center at BMC for the past year and a half, and I see her every three weeks. Ryann takes time out of her busy day not just to provide excellent care, but to get to know me as a person, not just a patient. She has stayed with me just to talk, and she has followed up with messages I have sent to my pulmonologist to see if there’s anything she can do. Ryann doesn’t have to do any of that. She is such a light in a stressful place. When I first started going there, I was not looking forward to it. It’s been a blessing seeing her 99 percent of the time. When she’s not there, the care is not at the same level. She even gave me her cell number once so that I could text her to get the infusion ready when I was 30 minutes away, because she knew that I had to attend a school graduation an hour from my home. Not all nurses would ever do that. Nursing is not easy and not for everyone, but Ryann is a natural to do this job.—Nominated by Jamir Patton


Patty Donovan, Boston Medical Center

Patty has been my colleague and friend for years at BMC. She is one of the smartest, most caring, best organized nurses I have encountered in my own 35 years here. I can count on Patty for backup in any situation. As the frequent charge nurse, she is an excellent communicator and fair in her decision-making. I am amazed some days by what she is able to accomplish for her own patients, as well as the entire unit.—Nominated by Lauren Keaney


Melissa Dunn, Boston Medical Center

Melissa is beyond excellent nurse. Words can’t describe how good she is.—Nominated by Edwige Janvier


Dena Dwyer, Boston Medical Center

I was a 15-year-old heading for trouble. I ended up in the emergency room for EtOH (alcohol) abuse, and Dena influenced me with her stern warning. I didn’t drink again until I was 28. I never knew that we would become co-workers someday. I always told her she saved my life.—Nominated by Cheree Smith


Timothy Failla, Boston Medical Center

Tim displays the hospital’s vision every day: he gives his all for every single patient, no matter what. He is the example of BMC’s mission statement, “exceptional care without exception.”—Nominated by Tiffany James


Timothy Failla, Boston Medical Center

Timothy has a calm demeanor when de-escalating patients.—Nominated by Chris OBrien


Jennifer Francis, Boston Medical Center

Jennifer Francis is our amazing nurse case manager on 6West. At Boston Medical Center, many of our patients experience complex social situations. Those situations are then complicated by chronic disease and hospitalization when we meet them. Discharge planning starts for all patients upon admission, and Jennifer is our magician. She navigates each patient’s insurance (or lack of insurance) along with their social situation to guarantee the best discharge plan. She has the expertise to navigate the enigmatic insurance system and knows what resources to tap into for patient placement or home-care assistance. While waving her magic wand, Jennifer creates relationships with patients and families, doing everything she can to honor their wishes for discharge while always considering their safety.

And she is fierce. I have seen her fight and advocate for our most at-risk patients. She works hard to help teams of doctors understand a patient’s situation and what actions and care settings are in their best interest. She supports the nursing staff. She recently helped us advocate for a patient who needed hospice care. She helped us research options and we were able to get the best care for the patient. Jenn is strong and dedicated. She is a gift to our patients and to all who work with her.—Nominated by Colleen Webb


Austin Galli, Boston Medical Center

Austin Galli worked incredibly hard as a traveling nurse in multiple states before making Massachusetts her home. She has advanced skills training and uses her expertise to make sure her patients get the best care possible. Massachusetts became an even better place for medical treatment because of Austin.—Nominated by Kayla Avery


John Graham, Emergency Room, Boston Medical Center

John has been an RN at the Emergency Room for over 25 years and continues to love that his calling in life is to assist those in times of tremendous, often life-or-death, circumstances.—Nominated by Arthur Graham


Jeanine Midy, Boston Medical Center

Jeanine is an excellent nurse who takes the time to build rapport with her patients. She treats everyone with respect.—Nominated by Ghislaine Semexant


Claire Miller, Boston Medical Center

I have had the pleasure of being Claire’s clinical nursing educator for the past 14 years on the Mother Baby Unit at Boston Medical Center. Claire is an outstanding professional nurse who provides comprehensive care to high-risk mother and newborn couplets every day. We have collaborated on many complex mother and newborn clinical cases, and her approach and critical thinking skills are superb. Claire is an outstanding charge nurse on the Mother Baby Unit and provides a logical, practical approach to decision-making. She is eager to support her nursing peers and new nurses, and she actively participates in many educational endeavors to enhance professional nursing practice. Most recently, she helped develop a safety bundle for severe hypertension during pregnancy and postpartum, and she has implemented simulation training on her unit to increase teamwork and collaboration during an emergency, which has proven to be highly successful. Claire is well-respected among her peers and is a highly valued member of our nursing team.—Nominated by Lynne Lambert


Lisa Mitchell, Patient Advocacy, Boston Medical Center

Lisa works overnight in Patient Advocacy, teaching new parents how to integrate a neonate into their lives. Last year, she and the staff helped an immigrant mother prepare to bring her newborn triplets home. They’re doing great!—Nominated by Melissa Mitchell


Ellen Munger, Boston Medical Center

Every day, Ellen comes into work with a positive attitude. The way she interacts with her patients is so heavenly and comforting. If anyone needs help, Ellen is there without hesitation.—Nominated by Olivia Richardson


Agnes Naiwanga, Boston Medical Center

“Aggie” was so gentle and kind with my father-in-law, who was very ill and has dementia. She did everything for his care and safety. She was just outside his room to help redirect him each time he tried to get out of bed. She was patient and kind while managing his medical needs. She made his family feel at ease, as well communicating consistently. Such an amazing nurse!—Nominated by Chrissy Young


Andrea Nicholson, Boston Medical Center

Andrea Nicholson started at BMC in 1985 as a messenger in the transport department. She went to school for phlebotomy, worked full time, and attended Roxbury Community College. Andrea became a registered nurse. She continued her education and received a master’s degree in nursing, and is now a nurse manager. All the while, as a single mother working full time and attending college, Andrea has been a compassionate nurse and wonderful colleague. I have witnessed the care and concern she affords her patients, and now the teaching and respect she gives her staff. It has been amazing to watch her as she climbs the ladder of success in health care. Andrea Nicholson a nurse who has always gone all-out, not just at work but in her personal endeavors. She’s a true asset to the nursing community at BMC and in Boston.—Nominated by Chrissy Young


Megan O’Brien, Boston Medical Center

Megan’s been my friend for years. Last marathon Monday, while a friend running the marathon from out-of-town ended up at BMC, she helped answer all my questions while she was on vacation. She even alerted her BMC coworkers that I would be there with his wife and daughter, and they provided excellent care. Megan always answers my health questions, no matter how trivial, and always is willing to help mentor my younger nurse friends who are new to the city. Megan stands with her fellow nurses whenever they need her, including the most recent BMC strike. She is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known, and she absolutely deserves a salute. I want her to know she embodies what a nurse is: poised, professional, caring, and (most of all) a shoulder to cry on.—Nominated by Sam Chambers


Jocelyn Olivier, Labor & Delivery, Boston Medical Center

I have had the pleasure of being Jocelyn’s clinical nursing educator for the past 16 years. Jocelyn transitioned to the Labor & Delivery Unit at Boston Medical Center’s Women and Infant Center and has been a strong leader. Jocelyn is an outstanding professional nurse who provides comprehensive care to high-risk mother-and-newborn couplets with the most care and compassion for every family. Most notably, she cared for a new mother who had a newborn loss and she stayed by her side and helped the family through this horrific loss. The mother was so grateful that Jocelyn was by her side. Jocelyn is eager to support her novice nursing peers and most recently participated in training a medical/surgical nurse in labor and delivery during a critical nursing shortage. Jocelyn is well respected among her peers and is a highly valued member of our nursing team.—Nominated by Lynne Lambert


Darnelle Paul, Boston Medical Center

I have been a nurse for 19 years, and a nurse practitioner at Boston Medical Center for 15 years. My mother is my only parent and means the world to me. Last year, we found out she needed a hip replacement. I was nervous knowing that I would have to rely on someone to take care of her. We were so lucky to have Darnelle as her nurse. She is everything that I admire in a nurse: kind, caring, comforting, and competent. As a health care provider, I was relieved knowing she was in good hands. Darnelle cared for my mom like she was family. She pushed her when she needed it and made her feel safe and well cared-for. I am forever grateful for Darnelle and everyone at Boston Medical Center who cared for my Mom.—Nominated by Kaye Bemis


Darnelle Paul, Boston Medical Center

Darnelle provided nursing care to me when I was hospitalized after a total hip replacement. She has a wonderful positive, encouraging energy. She was always available to help me and was a joy to get to know and depend on.—Nominated by Nancy Brady


Teresa Pugliese, Boston Medical Center

Teresa’s role in the chemotherapy clinic is as a charge nurse, staff nurse, epic super user, and patient and nursing advocate. At her insistence, Teresa continues to care for a cohort of patients daily despite the many hats she wears. She can multitask during everyday challenges, remaining fair and patient-focused at all times. Her leadership in this era of Covid-19 has been and continues to be exceptional. Often, she is planning and texting from home to prepare our clinic for the following day. Her patients consistently remark on her compassionate nature and excellent skills. Teresa’s ability to work alongside the management, medical, and support staff alike is remarkable. She is a fair and informed leader. We would like to thank Teresa for her knowledge and support, and for executing this role so effortlessly. Respectfully summited by the Chemo Clinic, Moakley 3 nursing staff.—Nominated by Ellen Munger


Jocelyn Ramirez, Boston Medical Center

I have had the pleasure of being Jocelyn’s clinical nursing educator since she was a nursing student on the Labor & Delivery Unit at Boston Medical Center’s Women and Infant Center in August 2016. Jocelyn transitioned into a new graduate RN on the Labor & Delivery Unit in September 2017. I was given the wonderful opportunity to mentor her in this new role, and she has exceeded all of my expectations.

Jocelyn is an outstanding professional who provides comprehensive care to high-risk mother and newborn couplets. We have collaborated on many complex mother and newborn clinical cases, and her approach and critical thinking skills are superb. Jocelyn applies her nursing knowledge at the bedside and provides a logical, practical approach to decision-making. Jocelyn is eager to support her nursing peers and actively participates in many educational endeavors to enhance professional nursing practice. Most recently, she volunteered and oriented a new graduate Labor & Delivery nurse when an unexpected situation arose. Jocelyn is extremely ambitious and is always seeking opportunities for growth and learning. Most notably, she created a “52 Weeks of Safety Program” for the entire Labor & Delivery team. She participated in obtaining a grant to improve teamwork and outcomes for our mothers and newborns and readily shares her creative ideas to improve collaborative practice. Jocelyn is well-respected among her peers and is a highly valued member of our nursing team. Jocelyn is a compassionate, energized, and motivated lifelong learner. It is with great pleasure that I salute Jocelyn Ramirez.—Nominated by Lynne Lambert


Stephanie Robinson, Boston Medical Center

I have worked with Stephanie for three years. She has shown patience and love to patients. She’s been their advocate and takes care of them as if they were family. I was recently a patient, and she helped me out not only as a nurse, but as a friend. She made me feel that I will be alright and helped me through a hard time, since I don’t have family in Boston. Nursing is not a career for everyone; Stephanie’s become my role model to get into nursing school. She’s been supportive and helped me learn the values we need as health care professionals.—Nominated by Marcela Hoyos



Brigham Health

Tama Baker, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Tama was my nurse when I came into the emergency department, bleeding acutely after a post-operative complication. I was very ill, but I was never scared, because her expertise and compassion kept my nerves totally at bay. I briefly lost consciousness before I went to the operating room. She addressed my needs while simultaneously supporting my husband and parents at the bedside. I felt so safe in her care that when I came to, I was telling jokes—she kept the energy in the room THAT calm. I was so lucky to have met Tama. Her patients are quite fortunate to be under her expert care.—Nominated by Matthew Medina


Lisa Beal, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Lisa Beal went out of her way to make my dad, T. Jeff Temple, more comfortable and confident in his care and recovery. As a longtime cardiac nurse, Lisa not only takes excellent care of her patients, but reaches out to nurses in other parts of the hospital to ensure consistent care of patients who may no longer be in her care. My dad is a frequent flyer at BWH due to his stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. She has advocated for him both in and outside of the cardiac unit—she cares that deeply for her patients. With respect for all parties, Lisa quietly makes things happen for both her current and previous patients. Her medical knowledge is encyclopedic, and her established relationships with doctors and staff continually benefit patients due to her efforts far beyond her job requirements. Boston needs more nurses like Lisa Beal.—Nominated by Christine Smith


Kate Cannell, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Kate cared for our whole large family, guiding us to stay connected through CaringBridge, as well as taking expert care of our loved one in the Neuro-ICU.—Nominated by Peggy McLoughlin


Lauren Serino Carpenito, Faulkner Hospital, Brigham Health

Lauren is a seasoned med-surg inpatient nurse who cares for mostly elderly patients with advanced diseases. She has the special ability and capacity to care for challenging patients who are very particular, challenging, and sad. Lauren is able to see the frightened, needy person and form a connection with him or her. This comes from a place of love for people and it is spectacular to see, especially when no one else can make a connection.—Nominated by John Halporn


Meghan Connelly, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Meghan is a kind, caring, and compassionate nurse who always puts patients’ needs first. She balances her expert medical knowledge with a gentle human touch. We are so fortunate to have nurses like Meghan to care for us, especially in challenging times like these. God bless you, Meghan.—Nominated by Michael Connelly


Pam Cusick, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Pam’s calm, professional demeanor and sensitive care of our loved one supported not only him, but our entire family, throughout our six-week stay in the Neuro-ICU.—Nominated by Peggy McLoughlin


Michael Ferchak, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

In the course of 14 days after my brother-in-law arrived at Brigham and Women’s by Medflight, my family interacted with at least 20 RNs on three different units. Michael Ferchak in the Neuro ICU stood out. Given that the patient was a good-sized, strong, stubborn, unconscious male with a traumatic brain injury and broken neck, I could not have conceived a better caregiver for him than Mike Ferchak. He was always at the monitor outside the door or else attending to a monitor before it beeped. His certainty that my brother-in-law would wake from brain injury buoyed us, and he did it without ever second-guessing any doctors. He never told us to take a break, but when we did, he’d say, “He’s safe.” Of all the terrifying times, we could relax knowing that Mike was keeping him safer than anyone else (even if that meant safe from us). Of course he was the one that Walter first responded to, “Hey buddy, do you know where you are?” He was our lifeline through his presence and professionalism. Spilled coffee? No problem. Bowel movement? Great sign. We took our cues from Mike and he gave us back our family.—Nominated by Peggy Sturdivant


Maureen Hanley, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

She was always there, near my bedside. She was always ready with meds or a joke or a personal vignette from the outside world. She provided the best medicine for me: laughter. And I was able to give back, as well. While I was under her care, she lost one of her beloved dogs. She was able to share that news and grieve with me. In so doing, she gave me a gift of feeling less helpless, of knowing that I could serve a purpose even while being hooked up to an IV and being endlessly prodded by techs for vital signs. She gave me laughter, which helped with my pain as much as the morphine—perhaps even more. I still miss our daily interaction. I still keep her in my thoughts and wish her well and pray for her safety, especially during these times.—Nominated by Carla Burzyk


Alison Hutson, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Alison Hutson exhibits compassion and concern for her patients every day. During this coronavirus crisis she is working seven days a week and reusing single-use personal protection equipment. She recently posted on Facebook a request for her friends and relatives to donate any items that hospital staff can use to protect themselves from the virus. She consistently exceeds the call of duty.—Nominated by Jack Hutson


Janet Frink, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

A powerful patient advocate with superb clinical skills, Janet takes care of the tiniest newborns with compassion and grace. Among a group of excellent nurses, she shines!—Nominated by Steven Ringer


Sapna Makhijani, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

In June 2019, I had the great misfortune of spending 10 days hospitalized for acute back pain; this hospitalization included stays at two different hospitals, with treatment provided by somewhere between 15 and 20 nurses, at least a dozen doctors, and countless nursing assistants; this journey culminated with a three-day stay at BWH. Fortunately, the care I received from each and every nurse at both hospitals was professional, with a focus by all on this patient’s comfort.

There was one component of my stay at BWH, however, that was truly noteworthy: Sapna Makhijani’s nursing care. Not only was the care that Sapna provided exceptional, but it was accompanied by a level of compassion and humanity that bolstered my spirits, which desperately needed a boost during treatment for extreme pain. What’s more, she was able to help me understand and navigate the bureaucracy at BWH, reducing my anxiety and making me comfortable with the discharge plan. I haven’t encountered anyone who is more worthy of this salute than Sapna Makhijani; she demonstrated a level of care and compassion that was truly exceptional.—Nominated by Jon Shein


Kayla Manczurowsky, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Kayla is not only my twin sister, but an incredible nurse on the GYN/oncology floor at BWH. I am nominating her because she constantly demonstrates selflessness, compassion and dedication to her profession. I have seen her walk the halls of the hospital and have so many professionals sing her praise. She tells countless stories of the “great catches” she has made when treating patients, preventing crises and saving lives.

But beyond her superior clinical skills, it is when she kneels into a patient’s humanity that touches me. Kayla won’t just give meds and check vitals, she will make sure you’ve eaten well, have talked to family, and then will assist you in full spa-mode to wash your hair and bathe when you least feel up for it. Countless responses like these from patients have earned her DAISY awards. She now does all of this while helping our family take care of our mother, another amazing nurse, who was diagnosed with mesothelioma last year. Kayla treats everyone around her, patients or otherwise, as if they are her family and spares nothing to make others comfortable and healthy. Kayla’s tireless and attentive care is truly exemplary of what it means to be a part of the nursing community.—Nominated by Julia Manczurowsky


Danika Medina, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

I gave Danika firsthand information from my colleagues in Italy regarding the practical and logistic challenges of nursing care during the Covid-19 epidemic. Danika was immediately available to listen, ask important questions, and truly absorb every bit of information with an incredibly open mind and flexibility. She took the this very seriously and started working on effective measures for our hospital before the epidemic even started, and before the media or even the CDC started really explaining the seriousness of it. I have no doubts that lives will be saved because of the early nursing leadership intervention that Danika put in place.—Nominated by Antonio Gargiulo


Paul Murphy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Emergency Department, Brigham Health

I’ve worked with Paul at BWH Emergency Department for about 15 years. He is a well-seasoned nurse with great clinical judgment and the right personality to work in our ever-changing environment. Following is an email he sent to his colleagues after a difficult night at work, very lightly edited for readability. I think it captures the pure essence of emergency nursing:

“4:53 a.m. Bear with me, I am hoping that reading this will be worth your while. Had a tough shift tonight, not so much for me as much as it was for Katelyn Harrington and her patient (and the patient’s family). Her patient came to us very sick, lingering for a long time before passing after an extended effort by the staff in the ED. Doctors, ESAs, nurses, PAs … all involved in a beautiful and extended effort to save a life. The reason I am writing this is because along my long ride home, I had time to think about this and a question my kids ask me all the time: ‘Did you help someone today? Did you save someone?’ I don’t think there are many jobs out there that involve life and death … where our actions can actually make the difference between someone living and dying. I think in the daily grind of all of the bullshit and not-so-bullshit reasons people are here in the ED, it’s a case like this that gives you pause and makes you realize that sometimes we literally have people’s lives in our hands. She was 46, by the way. I guess I just wanted to say that I am grateful for sharing this job/career with all of you. We share a common stress and an awesome responsibility, more than most could ever imagine in their jobs. The average person deals with this type of stress a few times in their lifetime, when a loved one passes … we deal with it on an almost-daily basis. As much as it is the cause of incredible stress, it’s also the reason I stay … I love being a part of something big, not just getting lost in a paycheck or a menial job or punching a time clock … but actually making the difference in someone’s life, whether it be saving one or making someone’s worst day just a little bit better or tolerable. Anyhow, thanks for listening to my rant. I am tired … out of wine … and it’s time for some sleep. Love you guys. Your peer …”—Nominated by Michael Robinson


Lindsay Osgood, Brigham Health

Lindsay took exceptional care of my father during the numerous times he was at the ICU at Brigham and Women’s. She made him feel like more than a patient to her. We will be eternally grateful for her dedication and care. My father ultimately passed, but she was there with us to cry once we were given the news that there was little more they could do.—Nominated by Filipa Melendez


Jill Popp, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

As a social worker who supports and advocates for patients, I never expected to become a patient needing an advocate myself. But after a serious infection left me in agonizing pain and required a nearly two-week hospitalization, I was feeling as emotionally exhausted as I was physically. While I am grateful for the care provided to me and fully appreciative of the importance of being poked, prodded, catheterized, carted to radiology for imaging, sponge-bathed, pumped full of medication, hooked up to monitors, etc., it is easy to lose yourself in the midst of the chaos. I felt defeated, as if I had lost my voice in my plan of care, just leaving everything in the hands of the professionals.

Enter Jill. Jill has what I feel is the bare minimum for the makings of a good nurse: competence, compassion, and a sense of humor. But beyond that, she helped me get my voice back. Jill encouraged me to ask questions and pushed for members of my treatment team (which spanned at least five departments) to meet with me to help me better understand my illness and recovery. Her confident disposition put me at ease, and although I feel that everyone at BWH was working hard on my behalf, Jill made me feel that I could handle a situation that felt, frankly, insurmountable. She solidified her position as my favorite nurse on the morning I woke up to be told I would be having a PICC line placed in 15 minutes. I was petrified, and my family wasn’t there. Jill was (as every nurse is) very busy. But when she saw how distressed I was, she scrubbed up, held my hand, and talked to me the whole time. Actions like that are what keep humanity in health care. Thank you, Jill.—Nominated by Hannah Kimler


Amanda Santos, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Amanda is highly skilled and compassionate to all her patients, no matter how sick or difficult. She treated everyone with respect, dignity, and excellent care.—Nominated by Ed Vitiello


Stefan Strojwas, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Stefan is working on the front lines with Covid-19 patients.—Nominated by Sandra Sepulveda


Kim Tierney, Home Hospital Program, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Health

Kim Tierney is an incredible advocate and ambassador for the BWH Home Hospital program, which allows critically ill patients to be cared for at home as if they were in the hospital. Nurse Tierney is the primary medical caregiver, along with the MDs and the full team. Her nursing skills are first-rate. She is very deft at managing medical care in unfamiliar surroundings and without the full complement of assistance of the hospital setting. She communicates directly and warmly and is able to explain what the patient needs and how it is going to be delivered. She takes the time to know the patient and family and tries to make her visits fun and nourishing, in addition to the excellent medical care she provides. It is amazing what the program does for at-home patientscontinuous monitoring of vital signs, EKGs, blood tests, medication, etc. She does it all with grace, experience, and knowledge. As a patient in the program for a week, and cared for by Kim, I can attest to how remarkable the program is, in large part due to her skills and compassion. It allows patients to have first-rate medical care in their homes, rather than in the hospital. This is an important development in medicine, particularly during these medically complicated times.—Nominated by Joanne Goldstein




Cambridge Health Alliance

Casey Alexandre, Medical Education, Cambridge Health Alliance

It is a pleasure to nominate Casey Alexandre from the Medical Education Department. Although I have not known Casey very long, I feel as though I have. She has an ability to adapt to stressful situations and make everybody around her feel calm. This is a skill that cannot be taught.

My name is Philip Fournier; I have been a registered nurse for 20 years. I am the clinical leader on Cahill 4, which is an inpatient psychiatric unit. I first met Casey when she responded to a rapid response here on Cahill 4. We do not see a lot of medical crises. Casey, who had never been on Cahill 4 before, came in like she had been here a million times. She immediately took control of the situation. I remember thinking to myself, “this must be some new trauma doctor.” Not only was she quick-witted and able to make decisions under stress, she had a bright, friendly personality while doing it. Casey quickly resolved the situation in a “patient-first” manner.

After meeting Casey in our morning huddle one day, she told me she used to work at Everett Hospital. Casey said she was thrilled when she got the nursing education job here at CHA. She went on to tell me that she was enrolled in a master’s program for education and that it was tough at times, working full time and having two children. I could not believe what I was hearing, as I thought she was a doctor. Casey told me the best thing about being an educator was not only caring for the patients, but being able to teach other nurses to care for patients the way she does. That staying up-to-date on the newest medication or treatment was “so much fun! Because it is amazing to see how far we have come and how much more there is to learn.” She is clearly a lifetime learner.

At that time, psychiatry did not have a nursing educator. So Casey became my “go-to” education person. Here is a story of one of the many times I had to call Casey: One day, I had a patient that required an indwelling catheter, which is a technique I had not done in over 10 years. I called Casey, and again she came over without question. I was expecting her to do it when she surprised me and said, “OK, Phil, you ready to do this?” I was shocked, but almost felt that I needed to do this just to show Casey that I could. Casey walked me right through it and at no point was I even nervous. (I felt like I was back in nursing school again, it was quite a humbling experience.) Casey has an amazing talent to create serenity in stressful situations. As I got to know (depend) on Casey, the more I got to learn about just how passionate she was about all aspects of nursing. Her best practice is always evidence-based, and if she does not have the answer, she will find it. She has a “can-do” attitude.

Casey was able to help reduce hospital-acquired urinary tract infections from catheters to basically zero. She was also able to do this with hospital-acquired bed sores. She continues to be a driving force in the reduction of many other hospital best practices. She couldn’t do any of these things alone. Her infectious personality and ability to get staff to “buy in” to her team approach is immeasurable. Casey can build relationships with any discipline in any department.

Casey Alexandre is a 33-year-old married mother of two. Casey received her master’s degree this May in nursing education and is working on her doctorate of nursing practice. Casey has also taken on additional role as the off-shift manager. Casey is an amazing young woman whom I can’t believe has only been a registered nurse for nine years. She is wise beyond her years. In the event that I ever fall ill, I could only pray that I would be lucky enough to have a nurse like Casey.—Nominated by Philip Fournier


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny has been working literally 24/7 as our infection-prevention nurse in regards to this coronavírus and how it is so important that we, as bedside nurses, get the most up-to-date, evidence-based information—not only to be safe in taking care of our patients, but also to provide the best possible care and education to our patients in the midst of this ever-evolving and frightening epidemic. Thank you, Ginny!—Nominated by Casey Alexandre


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Virginia is an amazing leader in infection control and works tirelessly to ensure a safe environment for our patients.—Nominated by Taruna Banerjee


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny is a model infection preventionist and educator. I am co-director of Cambridge Health Alliance’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Program and spend the majority of my time doing antimicrobial stewardship. Ginny will often reach out to me to review specific patients if something about their antibiotic regimen seems off. She has caught many issues and helped get patients on appropriate therapy. She is incredibly approachable and I enjoy working with her. If anyone demonstrates compassion, competence, and excellence, it’s Ginny.—Nominated by Amanda Barner


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny is an infection-control nurse at the Cambridge Health Alliance who demonstrates unfailing diligence in monitoring infection, analyzing failures, putting novel interventions in place to prevent infection, and supporting staff. Her hard work and passion have helped to keep hospital-acquired infection—central line infections, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, clostridium difficile infections—astoundingly low in our hospital for many years. Her work for patients is advocacy for safe systems; her interactions with staff and colleagues are warm and supportive and helpful. Ginny is an absolute treasure. This incredibly important and life-saving work can be thankless, and Ginny deserves a heartfelt standing ovation.—Nominated by Maren Batalden


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny works tirelessly to assure best practices to minimize infections and improve the safety of our patients. Ginny chairs the Hand Hygiene Committee and works with frontline staff, providing guidance to all on the importance of hand washing. Ginny is exceptionally competent and is a strong patient advocate who has led CHA to extremely low infection rates. Ginny is always available when we have questions about a patient’s precaution status, as well as when staff need an explanation of the infection process. Ginny co-leads the Infection Prevention committee with a respect for all. Ginny’s passion for infection prevention shows in everything she does. We may be a small community hospital system, but our infection rate under the co-direction of Ginny Caples speaks mountains about her capabilities and leadership. I’m proud to work for an organization that places such high value on talent, knowledge, skill sets, and the likes of Ginny Caples. Thank you for this opportunity!—Nominated by Pamela Brown


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

We are in the midst of a public health crisis with Covid-19 cases increasing on a daily basis. Despite the uncertainties in our nation and communities, Ginny (Virginia) Caples, an infection preventionist at Cambridge Health Alliance, is tirelessly assisting our organization to prepare for an evolving pandemic. She instills in staff, providers, and managers a positive attitude and knowledge on best practices to prevent and control infections. Ginny consistently demonstrates a willingness to help staff adhere to fundamental infection-prevention practices to ensure the safety of our patients, visitors, and staff. She advocates for and promotes compliance with hand hygiene before and after every patient contact, emphasizes the importance of cleaning environmental surfaces and patient-care equipment, and promotes adherence to isolation practices to reduce the risk of transmitting infections to others. She collaborates closely with our surgical colleagues to ensure staff are adhering to all surgical site infection-prevention best practices. Her leadership style, educational efforts, attention to surveillance, and ability to hold staff accountable has contributed to a substantial decrease in infections at both of our hospitals. Her passion for patient safety and advocacy extends beyond our organization. She is a respected leader in the field of infection prevention. As president of the New England chapter for the Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Ginny influences colleagues and advances best practice throughout New England. As such, she not only improves the care of patients at Cambridge Health Alliance and the communities we serve, but indirectly impacts the care of all patients in the region. Her compassion, dedication and unwavering commitment to patient safety is worthy of recognition.—Nominated by Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Virginia is a dedicated infection-control nurse at Cambridge Health Alliance. She is extremely passionate about her work and in constant pursuit of improving patient care and safety. She has done everything over the past year to help prevent our patients from acquiring infections by advocating for good hand washing and using evidence-based best practices for cleaning equipment. She is such an asset to the organization and we’ve been able to make some incredible improvements because of all her hard work. Thank you, Ginny for all that you do!—Nominated by Roger Conant


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Virginia (Ginny) is an infection control nurse who strives and succeeds in our organization having low infection rates, and her response to the Covid-19 situation has been stellar.—Nominated by Brianne Goodwin


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny is incredibly hard-working and smart and able to interact with staff and patients equally effectively with the goal of reducing hospital acquired infections. Due to her tireless efforts, we experienced a very low infection rate in our hospital over the past year. Currently, since the Covid-19 outbreak, Ginny has been instrumental in helping to educate and build our capacity to effectively prepare. She is always available and has shared her cell phone number with staff, who can call her with crucial questions. She provides us with valuable information despite the constant change in the landscape.—Nominated by Eirini Iliaki


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny’s professionalism and calm demeanor during the Covid-19 outbreak, along with her dedication to patient care, makes her an amazing nurse.—Nominated by Christian Lanphere


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

I know there are other nominations for Virginia Caples that address her knowledge, skills and abilities in the area of infection prevention. I would like to tell you how she has impacted me personally, and therefore CHA as a whole. Whenever I call, Virginia (Ginny) is there with sound and clear guidance and the support you would get from a good friend. She is always about “OK, we have got this, we will get it fixed, or let me come and check it out we can figure this out.” She remains outwardly calm and does not panic others; she supports, guides, and works to find solutions that work for all. I value her knowledge and expertise, and her thoughtful caring and kindness to her colleagues allows her messages to be heard. She’s a valued patient advocate and colleague, and I could not be happier to nominate Virginia Caples.—Nominated by Carol Mannone


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny is our infection-prevention nurse at Cambridge Health Alliance. She has been a tireless cheerleader for hand hygiene and infection control. She is approachable and teaches with kindness. Ginny will answer a page for anything, anytime. She advocates for patients and staff to be safe and free from infection. Ginny will help staff develop a plan when we see something unusual.

Recently, of course, she has been working on ensuring that staff understand how to contain the new coronavirus. In the clinics, we have received multiple calls from families about travel and how they should manage their families. Ginny has worked on our guidelines for staff to help patients keep themselves and others safe. It seems that the coronavirus is on everyone’s mind and it is great to have a thoughtful leader who is trustworthy and always ready to pitch in. Ginny also has to follow up when a patient presents for care and has an infectious disease that we did not know about at the time of the appointment. She does this promptly and advises staff and patients who were potentially exposed how to care for themselves.—Nominated by Fiona Mccaughan


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

I have worked with Ginny for the past six years. Through her constant vigilance, education, positive feedback, and encouragement, she helps to ensure the safest environment for staff and patients. She does this from the core expertise in infection prevention. No matter the amount of work, she will always put staff and patients first. She will help lead initiatives to validate and improve any workflows that will ensure utmost infection prevention. She works to inform clinics, staff, and providers with latest Covid-19 updates, and troubleshoots concerns and questions. She works to develop education on a daily basis.—Nominated by Lorraine Murphy


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Virginia first shared her expertise with me when I was a staff nurse in the operating room, and continues now in my role of perioperative nurse educator. Ginny has encouraged me in my pursuit of knowledge regarding infection-control practices, and since I first met her she has supported my efforts to keep our patients safe in the OR. She demonstrates compassion for nurses and patients alike, sharing her knowledge of epidemiology. She is committed to the prevention of infection in all areas of patient care (inpatient and ambulatory).

Ginny is proactive as the leader of CHA Hand Hygiene Champions and her work on antibiotic stewardship. Ginny engaged staff in the “Glucometer Challenge,” which brought ideas from frontline caregivers about how to prevent cross-contamination of patients by this commonly used device, while still being efficient in our nursing care. Ginny collects and reports data to the appropriate regulatory agencies while following that same data in pursuit of zero patient infections in bloodstreams (Clabsi teams), urinary tracts (Cauti), and more. Ginny is accessible to staff and leadership alike to answer questions and allay concerns. I am fortunate to call her a colleague and CHA and our patients are very fortunate to have her as our infection-prevention nurse.—Nominated by Patricia Poirier


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny is always on top of things—bringing intelligence, compassion, and efficiency to her work. She displays calm in stressful times and is just a wonderful colleague to have!—Nominated by Alison Rapoport


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Ginny supports and guides the infection-control processes and policies in our ambulatory and primary care services. Her experience, knowledge, and expertise are invaluable to the team. She is always calm and reassuring, even when dealing with an impending pandemic. I have worked with Ginny for several years and know we are in good hands with her. Ginny deserves this salute!—Nominated by Deb Scannell


Virginia Caples, Cambridge Health Alliance

Always on the forefront of any public health issue, Ginny tirelessly rounds through a multi-campus hospital and a dozen affiliated clinics, monitoring infection-control practices and educating staff and patients on healthy work practices. She’s worked extra hard keeping staff up-to-date on the latest flu and virus outbreaks. Safe work practices and positive patient outcomes are always her top priority.—Nominated by Lillian Yadgood


Joanne Cassell, PACE, Cambridge Health Alliance

Joanne Cassell is the enrollment nurse at Cambridge Health Alliance PACE program (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) and sees patients who are interested in enrolling in the program. She visits patients in their homes and often meets with their family at the same time. She is skilled at assessing the patients to determine if they’re eligible for the program. Joanne is always meeting new people and treats them with compassionate care, the way you would want a nurse to care for you. Joanne will have multiple conversations with the patient before they enroll. She is gathering information that will be passed on to the Interdisciplinary Team, who will care for the patient once they enroll. Joanne is always planning her next home visit and she is a delight to work with. The amount of information she gathers is quite impressive. She does this to help the patients. Everything Joanne does is with the patient in mind. She is a trusting clinician, which is very important, as people are letting her into their homes. This is where it all begins. Joanne is the “face” of CHA PACE—the first person patients meet on their enrollment journey.—Nominated by William Burgey


Jennah Epstein-Santoyo, Cambridge Health Alliance

Jennah is the sweetest, most attentive, and best-qualified practitioner I’ve known. Exhibiting constant care and concern, she’s bilingual and never impatient. She also single-handedly started a food drive for the community while she was working overtime.—Nominated by Rozann Kraus


Lisa Mashburn, CHA Women’s Health, Cambridge Health Alliance

Lisa Mashburn is an incredible Women’s Health nurse practitioner. She routinely demonstrates clinical competency through IUD insertion and speculum exams. However, where Lisa really shines and has proven herself to be an advocate for the patient is through patient education. Lisa takes the time to listen to her patient, asks thorough questions, and comes to an agreement with the patient on what tests to do, what contraception to use, and what the next steps are. Patients come to Lisa for all sorts of concerns that are often tricky to navigate and require competent, specialized, sensitive care. Lisa delivers on all fronts. The patients are lucky to have her working with them.—Nominated by Amberly Ticotsky


Cape Cod Healthcare

Julianne Filicchia, Cape Cod Hospital, Cape Cod Healthcare

Julianne treated me at the Cape Cod Hospital emergency room after a car accident. Not only was she the most empathetic and kindest nurse I’ve ever encountered, but she actually listened to me and never looked jaded or exasperated. This is just how she treated me, as a person. Clinically? Again, I’ve never met a nurse so competent, efficient, quick, unflappable, and calm. She gave rapid-fire orders to her staff while somehow managing to be calm and slow about her delivery, so as to not bark at her staff or panic me. To cap it all off, she kept following up and checking on me, even after I was transferred out of her care. But what really shocked me was a call two days after I got home, again checking on my welfare, and insisting I call her with any worries or change in my case. I have never been treated as well as she treated me, or felt as at-ease during a medical crisis, before or since. I hope I’m lucky enough to have her at my deathbed. There would be no greater comfort.—Nominated by Donna Bagdasarian


Kaitlyn Kerwin, Cape Cod Hospital, Cape Cod Healthcare

Kaitlyn is a Master’s prepared nurse who presently is working in the HR Department at Cape Cod Hospital. She is the mother of three small children and works three days a week to provide education and training to the clinical staff at CCH. Kaitlyn will always do whatever it takes to accommodate staff who need specific assistance with their bedside care. She has been an integral part of the RN residency program at CCHC, teaching several of the curriculum classes provided to this group. She recently joined an Evidence-Based Practice project that involves 27 new nurse-residents to work on a decolonization project for the system. This includes, but is not limited to, evidence-based research, development of tip sheets for staff, educational flyers for family, and new components of the documentation to assure concise knowledge and clarity in the decolonization protocol. Kaitlyn does her research and develops excellent interactive classroom activities. She recently converted one of her children’s games into an interactive game for checking the staff’s understanding of restraint and seclusion. Those interactive techniques keep the group engaged, so their level of learning and understanding is very high. Kaitlyn is also an all-around compassionate, kind, and team-oriented person who’ll step up to help her colleagues deliver high-quality clinical education. It is great to have her on our CCHC clinical education team, and I am proud to nominate her for her constant commitment to the bedside nurse.—Nominated by Cheryl Brennan


Debra Lynch, Mugar Infusion Room, Cape Cod Hospital, Cape Cod Healthcare

I was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer in October 2018. I had chemotherapy last year at Cape Cod, then a recurrence this year led to a different chemo that was more difficult. Debra Lynch has been my chemo nurse for much of that time. She is kind and most knowledgeable, and she treats me like a friend. Going through this second round has been more difficult, but she has made it a more palatable experience. I cannot thank her enough, and I am glad she will be here to help me as I continue on the maintenance medication. My scans are negative now, so the maintenance should keep the cancer at bay. I would be remiss if I did not also mention the other wonderful nurses in the infusion room—Kevin, Erin, Mary Carol, and Ally.—Nominated by Patricia Burke


Debra A. Simon, Clark Cancer Center, Falmouth Hospital, Cape Cod Healthcare

My nurse Debra Simon is a true angel. She has nothing but time, compassion, and interest in our patients at the Clark Cancer Center. She juggles many tasks each day with patience, thoroughness, and professionalism. She gives a wonderful smile to each and every patient regardless of their disposition. She truly treats them as one of her own, as if they are part of her family. With over 37 years of nursing expertise, she continues to amaze me with her energy, vitality, and the desire to help all of our cancer patients. I know there are many nurses worthy of recognition, but she is at the top of my list.—Nominated by Basia Ann McAnaw


Cape Cod and Islands Community Mental Health Center

Kathleen Grab, Cape Cod and Islands Community Mental Health Center

Kathleen is the most calming influence and a superb teacher.—Nominated by David Grab



Care Dimensions

Amy Bartlett, Care Dimensions

Amy was compassionate beyond words and was diplomatic in handling difficult family dynamics. As a retired nurse, I will forever remember her professionalism and kindness.—Nominated by Jane Chisholm Goulart


Amy Bartlett, Care Dimensions

She was a huge support for the family during the last days of my mom’s life. Amy was caring, compassionate, and there when you needed her. She was supportive and understanding through the difficult times.—Nominated by Malinda Hachlafi


Caitlin French, Care Dimensions

Caitlin French is the lead nurse attending to the care of my young friend, Andris Saldivar, who is in hospice at home via Care Dimensions. Caitlin has gone all-out to help Andris and her family in this very difficult time. Andris loves and respects Caitlin. Andris’ family are new Americans who are struggling with losing a young person in a country that they are not so familiar with, and often with language/cultural barriers.—Nominated by Jan Plourde


Rick Healy, Care Dimensions

Rick always goes above and beyond for his patients as well as his coworkers. Rick had plans with his wife on Christmas Eve, but when a patient and their family needed him, he put everything on hold and stayed with the family until he was able to manage the patient’s respiratory symptoms at home. Rick spent over three hours with this patient and wouldn’t leave until he was sure they were comfortable. This is not out of the ordinary. His commitment to his patients and his coworkers is outstanding and humbling. Where most nurses would cringe and try to get out of that extra visit or staying late when they have other plans, Rick puts everything else aside to be the best hospice nurse he can be. He is loved by patients, families, and those who [MISSING TYPE]


Mary Hutchinson, Care Dimensions

Mary is a hospice nurse, and she was dedicated and gave very compassionate care through my family member’s end-of-life journey. She was very thorough. All our questions were answered respectfully, and she went out of her way to come see us whenever we needed her. She always advocated for the comfort of my family member and supported us throughout the whole journey. She’s more than a nurse, and it’s not a job for her, it’s her calling. Thank you, Mary, and please don’t stop being amazing at what you do.—Nominated by Matilda Appiah


Julia O’Brien, Hospice House, Care Dimensions

Julia O’Brien is a nurse that works at Care Dimension’s Hospice House in Lincoln. She is a fierce patient advocate and their care and comfort are her top priority. She is compassionate and caring and has a wicked sense of humor. Julia works with a wide range of patients and she has a way of putting them at ease. Whether it is an elderly, agitated, confused gentleman or a pain-riddled young mother, Julia has a way of comforting and reassuring them all. She does an enormous amount of education with patients and their families and, with her experience, is able to explain succinctly and calmly the care they are receiving so they can treasure the time spent together. Julia works very closely with the house physicians and collaborates exceptionally well with all the members of the interdisciplinary team. She is a true team player and is the first to offer help to her fellow nurses; she is right there with the aides providing beside care. Julia is an exceptional nurse and is truly an asset to our Hospice House.—Nominated by Xiaonan Zheng


CareGroup Parmenter Home Care & Hospice

Tracy Anderson, CareGroup Parmenter

Tracy is so caring about my well-being. She knows everything. I had her as a visiting nurse for three months, and she was so nice I wish she could visit forever.—Nominated by Richard Burns



Jeanne Stanton, CareOne Nursing Home

My husband George has Jeanne as his primary hospice nurse. She has compassion plus for both George and me. Loving and caring, Jeanne is always there for us. We would be lost without her. Thank God she is in our lives.—Nominated by Susan Erickson


Carney Hospital

Elaine Canty, Carney Hospital

As a case manager, Elaine worked tirelessly finding a place to stay and assisted staff nurses with additional information and care.—Nominated by Gerard Ferzoco


Covid-19 Caregivers, Carney Nurses, Carney Hospital

With the announcement that Carney Hospital would become the nation’s first “dedicated care center” for patients who test positive for Covid-19, our nurses were tasked with providing exceptional, safe care during the frightening coronavirus pandemic. To this day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations continue to evolve as information about the virus and critically low supplies of personal protective equipment is identified. Carney nurses demonstrated an unwavering commitment to caring for our community. As we were planning how we were going to organize this change to the hospital, nurses were coming forward volunteering to care specifically for patients with Covid-19. Nurses were not only caring for their patients, but they were caring for each other. If a nurse was at higher risk for Covid-19 complications, or was caring for a compromised member of their own family, other nurses volunteered to assume the care of Covid-19 rule-out patients. Carney Hospital nurses demonstrate the best of community nursing.—Nominated by Susan Belton


Clare Condon, Carney Hospital

Although I have only known Clare since January, she has already changed how I view nursing in a tremendous way. Clare is not only a caring and compassionate nurse; she is an even more amazing teacher. My name is Hallé, and Clare is my clinical instructor this semester for my med-surgical rotation at Carney Hospital. I have never met someone as compassionate and genuine as Clare before. Clare has a way of talking to patients that I can only hope to be like. Clare has taught me so much in eight weeks on how to be compassionate and improve the quality of life in all patients. I only hope that I can touch patients’ lives the way Clare has touched my own. One day I hope to be as smart, compassionate, and knowledgeable as Clare.—Nominated by Hallé Cabral


Clare Condon, Carney Hospital

Clare Condon is the most compassionate nurse I’ve met in the clinical setting. Every person I have ever spoken to about Clare has had nothing but great things to say. She really cares for her patients and understands what it means to be a nurse. On multiple occasions my clinical group and I have talked to Clare about concerns we had and she would advocate for the patient and what they need. She truly is an amazing nurse. She is the type of nurse I want to be when I am older, and the type of nurse I would want caring for my family. She is trusting and understanding.—Nominated by Kayla Elliott


Clare Condon, Carney Hospital

Clare is the epitome of a nurse. She is nothing but caring and intelligent. In just a few short weeks, Clare has taught me a great number of new things I will need to know in my future. She is the nurse that I would choose any day if I was in the hospital. From Day One, in any situation, Clare could get the patient who may not have been following directions to comply with just her kindness and smile. I have seen her give nurses friendly input when she thinks something else should be done or when something isn’t being done right. She takes her job seriously and has fun while she does it. Clare is compassionate, competent, trustworthy, an amazing advocate, and great at communication.—Nominated by Merry Garcia


Clare Condon, Carney Hospital

Claire hasn’t just demonstrated these qualities in one scenario, but she continuously demonstrates them every day. She is a great example of a truly dedicated nurse. I was so lucky to have her as an instructor, and I will be lucky to be half as great a nurse as Claire. She really advocates for her patients, and her love for the job is undoubtable.—Nominated by Madison Wilson


Kathi Sussky, Carney Hospital

During my senior capstone, I was fortunate enough to be assigned Kathy Sussky as my preceptor. Before starting my clinical hours in the intensive care unit (ICU), I was afraid that I was getting in over my head. Yes, I had passed all my courses and I was comfortable talking to patients, but I did not think I would be able to handle the level of care that ICU was expected to provide.

When I met Kathi, she asked me what I hoped to take out of my experience—how was I supposed to tell her that I hoped to find out if I was actually good enough to cut it as a nurse, months from then? Kathi taught me to be confident in my assessment, even if I was completely wrong. She pushed me to participate in family meetings, shift huddles, and in the ICU staff meetings. On top of the many different hands-on nursing topics, she taught me that it was OK to cry with a family member after they received the news that their son was declared brain dead. That it was okay to sit there and hold hands with someone’s daughter as she prayed with her mother for the last time. And that it was okay not to be okay after a tough shift.

I am the confident nurse that I am today because of my time working with Kathi. Going into my capstone, I had very little confidence. I was afraid that I was going to do something wrong, or completely make a fool of myself in front of everyone. But after four short months, I found myself no longer hesitating when I needed to go into a patient room. Kathi helped me become the nurse I am today.—Nominated by Amanda Purnell



Commonwealth Care Alliance

Nicole Carville, Commonwealth Community Care Framingham, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Nurse practitioner Nicole Carville exemplifies excellence in primary care, nurse-led care coordination, and collaboration for her members with the most significant needs. Nicole strives to ensure her members receive the most comprehensive and highest quality care possible.

Brad is on the autism spectrum and suffers from anxiety and depression. While being treated for a recurrence of colorectal cancer, he has had many hospitalizations for complications related to his cancer and fragile health. Nicole is Brad’s primary care nurse practitioner with Commonwealth Community Care, Commonwealth Care Alliance’s (CCA) primary-care practice. Nicole visits Brad at his home, where he receives daily care and support from his adult foster care provider. Nicole coordinates Brad’s need for frequent lab draws with his visiting nurse association nurse and communicates results and treatment plans with his many Boston-based specialty teams. To reduce how often Brad must travel to Boston to receive care, Nicole reconnected him to a specialist in his home town. When Brad is hospitalized, Nicole calls the in-patient care teams to make sure they are aware of Brad’s complex medical history and know about Brad’s CCA care team. This information has been beneficial for the in-patient team and helps smooth transitions back to the community once Brad is ready to be discharged. Nicole utilizes many of CCA’s internal resources to provide Brad the highest quality, most comprehensive care possible, including a behavioral health specialist and palliative care nurse practitioner. Nicole’s uncommon care, advocacy, and dedication to this member truly supports the mission of CCA.—Nominated by Heather Korencsik


Tracey Davis, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Tracey Davis is a gifted telephonic RN care partner who is skilled at developing trust and rapport with her patients over the phone. She has a soothing voice and is able to keep her composure under stressful situations. Tracey finds it gratifying when she is able to counsel and help members to achieve their health and wellness goals.

Tracey recently had a member who was discharged home after a psychiatric hospitalization. The member’s mobility declined during his hospitalization, due in part to his advanced Parkinson’s disease. While the care team agreed that the member needed to go to short-term rehabilitation at a skilled nursing facility, this was difficult to arrange because few facilities will accept patients who are on methadone. Tracey worked to facilitate the admission and, with the member’s methadone clinic, to get orders for guest dosing. Then she ensured the facility got the paperwork they required and arranged transportation to the facility. The member and his wife were grateful for the help and support. Tracey goes all-out to help her members. She cares for over 300 members and is skilled at assessing and triaging needs. When one of her members needs extra support, she follows through for the best resolution possible.—Nominated by Christina Camara


Brett Huff, Commonwealth Care Alliance

I’m nominating Brett Huff for his work ethic and positivity. While Brett’s role as Office LPN was not new to Commonwealth Community Care Boston, he brought something different to the role that made it feel new. After getting up to speed with his core job functions, Brett began thinking about process improvements and new initiatives to implement. Brett has taken the lead in learning how to use and become proficient with Retinavue, which we can use to take photographs of members’ retinas to send to an ophthalmologist for assessment. Brett is training others on how to use the tool and is leading its expansion to other clinical groups. This will allow us to provide proactive medical care for our homebound members.

Beyond his clinical competency, Brett understands how to reach our members. We took on a member with a somatic disorder who had more than 200 emergency room visits in 2019. She comes to our clinic Monday through Friday and spends up to 45 minutes with Brett, talking about life. She hasn’t been to the ER since she started coming to us, and she attributes it to Brett being nice to her.

Brett also created an “overdose go bag,” complete with the items needed to provide CPR, personal protection, and Narcan in case an incident seems opioid-related. This has positioned us to quickly respond to the opioid crisis inside and outside our clinic doors. Some call where we are located “Methadone Mile” due to its combination of drug treatment centers and an open-air drug market. Brett’s positive qualities and innovations spur people from all over our practice to seek me out and share their positive experiences weekly. I hope Brett continues a long career with Commonwealth Care Alliance.—Nominated by Kate Felicio


Nicole Jones, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Nicole is an experienced, confident, and compassionate nurse who is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those she cares for. Professional and calm, she assists Commonwealth Care Alliance members in the most stressful and emotional situations. She does not cast judgment on anyone and is a strong advocate for her members. She is empathetic and passionate about making a difference in the lives of those around her. Nicole is committed to making a difference and going the extra mile to try to get the resources and support for our members.

For example, Nicole has a member who has been in a short-term rehab for an extended time, and whose goal was to return home with her husband. This member requires significant physical assistance, which her husband is not able to provide. Nicole advocated for this member and collaborated with other disciplines to find a solution that will work for her member. Nicole reaches out to her peers and manager for guidance and to gather additional ideas or resources. She continues to play an integral role in helping this member return home. Nicole deserves to be recognized for her work and her compassion. She cares about making a difference in our members’ lives and is a role model for her peers.—Nominated by Ashley Lane


Nicole L’Heureux, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Nurse practitioner Nicole L’Heureux is a role model at Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA). Her level of professionalism goes beyond expectations. I remember going to a visit with her and, on the way to the member’s home, she twisted her ankle. I could see the level of pain she was going through. I told her we should cancel the visit so she could go to the emergency department for an X-ray. She refused and replied, “No worries, I’ll see the member first and then go to the hospital.” She showed me that member care was a priority even before her own well-being. I have a deep respect and admiration for her. Nicole does a great job providing care to our members and is well-prepared before visiting a member. She takes her time to review the member’s chart before visits, pays attention to details, and takes her time to discuss and listen to member’s concerns. She provides adequate time to complete an assessment to deliver the care that the member needs. Nicole follows up with members to make sure they are engaged with the services and support they need in the home. She ensures that communication is clear with staff and providers. Nicole gives her all to ensure members are safe and well taken care of. Nicole not only loves delivering care to members, she also does it with a passion. Nicole deserves to be recognized for the incredible job she has done for CCA and our members.—Nominated by Erica Santiago


Barbara MacDonald, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Barbara MacDonald is a skilled nurse with a passion for caring for elderly patients. Barbara loves developing long-term therapeutic relationships with our elderly Senior Care Options members and their families. She finds it gratifying when she is able to go into a home, assess what the member needs, and then put the supports in place that can improve their health and well-being. She looks at the whole picture of what is going on in the member’s life and is skilled at being able to prioritize what to tackle first.

Barbara has a member who is deaf and has schizophrenia. This member was recently hospitalized for acute onset of confusion and altered mental status. Because of Covid-19 precautions, the hospital would not allow anyone except patients and staff on the inpatient floors. Barbara advocated for the hospital to allow the member’s aide to enter, given that he is one of the only people who can communicate with the member via a special sign language. When Barbara learned that the hospital wanted to find long-term care placement for the member, she made sure they understood that this was not the member’s normal state. She recommended that the hospital assess the member for delirium, as the member has been living on her own in the community for a long time. Barbara is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to the geriatric population she serves.—Nominated by Christina Camara


John Njoroge, Commonwealth Care Alliance

I am nominating John Njoroge, a mobile RN care partner, for his dedication to providing his members the highest quality, individualized care. He works with providers to think creatively about how to meet members’ medical needs and address their social determinants of health. He approaches his work with sensitivity and a holistic view that includes working with family members and other support systems, as needed.

One member John cares for, “Carmen,” has chronic conditions including diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, and mental health issues. After Carmen briefly lost her MassHealth coverage, she was able to re-enroll in Commonwealth Care Alliance’s (CCA) One Care plan. She was re-evaluated and reassigned to John to support continuity of care. John attended a joint member/primary care physician (PCP) visit to ensure that Carmen’s needs were being addressed and that the right resources were in place to support her. John and Carmen’s care team work together to ensure that she has the best quality of life possible. John also manages Carmen’s medications in unison with her visiting nurse provider and PCP. Although her ongoing depression is exacerbated by her medical complications, she maintains a positive outlook and gets the care and support she needs from John and CCA. John goes the extra mile for all of his members—not just Carmen. He is admired and respected by his team, and often does tasks himself that he could refer to a health outreach worker.—Nominated by Sandra Munier


Hilda Rosario, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Hilda Rosario has been providing exceptional care to her members as an RN care partner at Commonwealth Care Alliance for over 10 years. Her reputation as a skilled and compassionate nurse is well-established. Members, families, and primary care providers request her by name. As a bilingual nurse, she helps Spanish-speaking members navigate the health-care system. She educates members and caregivers in the home to ensure they understand their illness and the medications, diet, and lifestyle modifications for optimal treatment. She develops a rapport with members by meeting them where they are and works collaboratively with them to reach their goals. She is a strong advocate for her members and helps teach them how to advocate for themselves.

One of Hilda’s members was recently discharged from a skilled nursing facility after undergoing surgery for oral cancer. He needed tracheostomy care and nutrition through a gastrostomy tube. The facility sent him home in the care of his daughter and gave her prescriptions for the nutrition. The daughter couldn’t get the prescriptions filled at a local pharmacy. Hilda worked with an advanced-practice clinician to have the prescriptions delivered to the member’s home through another vendor. Hilda did joint home visits with the palliative care team and interpreted for them to ensure that the member understood what was being said. The member and his daughter have been grateful for Hilda’s tireless advocacy on their behalf, for being there when they need her, and for her caring, compassionate demeanor. Hilda deserves this recognition because she is one of those humble, hard-working people who would never seek praise or recognition herself. Through her dedication and service, she has had a positive impact on countless members and their families.—Nominated by Christina Camara


Nicola Tesorero, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Nicola Tesorero embodies what it means to be a Commonwealth Care Alliance nurse. She is meticulous in her work, compassionate, and extremely organized. Nicola is a tireless advocate for her members. She is thorough in her clinical approach, thoughtful in her treatment plan’s impact on her members, and dogged in her follow-through. Nicola’s members adore her and trust her completely because of her ability to provide them with the highest quality, individualized care.

One member Nicola cares for had many complications after a major surgery. After a prolonged and difficult hospital stay, he really wanted to get back to the comfort of his home. Nicola worked diligently to build a safe home-care plan and structure for him. She coordinated his complex medical needs between all his specialists and in-home supports to get him back home. She also visited the member twice weekly to ensure his stability. When the member had a complication after being discharged and was hesitant to return to the hospital, Nicola met with his specialist to learn how to troubleshoot the issue. She provided appropriate and needed services in the member’s home to ensure he would remain stable until his specialist could schedule an outpatient appointment. Nicola was able to keep the member out of the hospital, maintaining his health and honoring his wish to remain in his home.

Not only does Nicola provide exemplary clinical support to her members, but she regularly supports her colleagues. She learns quickly and adapts readily to new workflows in the clinic, becoming a resource for others in the clinic. She is well-versed on the complex medical needs of our members and provides teaching sessions to the other clinicians to share her knowledge and expertise.—Nominated by Kimberly Newton


Rosa Torres, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Rosa Torres is a caring and compassionate nurse who makes a real difference in the lives of her members and their families. Rosa has been with Commonwealth Care Alliance for several years and has worked as a mobile care partner, team lead, and now as a telephonic care partner. She excelled at each role because of her strong work ethic and commitment to excellence. As a bilingual nurse, she helps her Spanish-speaking members navigate the health-care system and understand their disease process and treatment options.

Rosa recently assisted a member who was very upset that she had lost her home-delivered meals, which were tailored to her dietary needs. She also had personal care assistant (PCA) services to assist her with her daily activities. It was recommended that the PCA’s hours be increased to allow the PCA to prepare all of her meals. However, even if the PCA prepared all of her meals, she was worried that she wouldn’t have enough money to pay for that food. Rosa was able to develop an individualized care plan for this member that took her special needs into consideration. Now the member has a combination of PCA hours and home-delivered meals that meets her unique needs. Rosa quickly develops a rapport with her members and earns their trust by being responsive to their needs. She embodies CCA’s mission of providing the highest quality, individualized care.—Nominated by Christina Camara


Cooley Dickinson Hospital

Amanda Dixon, Cooley Dickinson Hospital

My charge nurse is compassionate and caring. She keeps us all in focus, with the patient being the center and highest priority. She is the best patient advocate because she talks to everyone and tries to make their stay here better. Being charge nurse in the critical care unit is a really hard job and Amanda does it with style and pride. I hope to be like her in every way.—Nominated by Kathleen Crane


Fiona Mackenzie, Cooley Dickinson Hospital

This nursing student exemplifies an ideal nurse: patience, communication, and empathy. I have never met a student nurse as kind and charming as she is, and I’m confident she will make an excellent nurse one day.—Nominated by Max Kozlov

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